Alpha Kappa Sigma History

Alpha Kappa Sigma has a rich history as the longest-standing fraternity at Northeastern University. Established as a local fraternity in 1919, we recently celebrated our 100-year anniversary, during all of which we have remained a fraternity exclusive to Northeastern. As a smaller fraternity by design, we take pride in our tight-knit community; our bylaws state we must not exceed 100 active brothers at any time. Each year we seek to initiate quality new brothers, but remain committed to maintaining our active membership count which usually falls within 45 to 60 active brothers during any given semester.

Even with a smaller active brotherhood, our alumni network is very well-connected, and provides graduating brothers with job opportunities all throughout the country, especially in Boston where our local ties remain strongest. As a part of Northeastern as well as the greater Boston community, we have built great relationships with other Greek organizations, student groups on campus, and local volunteer organizations which we partner with semesterly for community service projects and philanthropic events. See our Giving Back page for more information.

Whether you're an active brother, an alumnus, or someone looking for more information on Alpha Kappa Sigma, we welcome you to our website. Within, you'll find information on the Fraternity as well as a searchable database of all past and present AKS brothers. If you are a Brother, we encourage you to Login and keep us updated on any changes to your contact info.